Search by Character/Letter String, CAS, JECFA, FEMA, FL-No or Industry Name
Industry Name
3-Methylcrotonic acid 541-47-9 1204 3187 08.070
3-Ammonium isovalerate 7563-33-9 1203 2054 16.001
Methyl-2-butenal 107-86-8 1202 3646 05.124
2-Methyl-2-butenal 497-03-0; 1115-11-3 1201 3407 05.095
3-Methyl-2-buten-1-ol 556-82-1 1200 3647 02.109
(+/-)-2-Methyl-1-butanol 137-32-6 1199 3998 02.076
2-trans-4-cis-7-cis-Tridecatrienal 13552-96-0 1198 3638 05.064
2-trans-6-cis-Dodecadienal 21662-13-5 1197 3637 05.120
trans,trans-2,4-Dodecadienal 21662-16-8 1196 3670 05.125
(2E, 4E)-undeca-2,4-dienal 30361-29-6 1195 3422 05.196
2,4-Undecadienal 13162-46-4 1195 3422 05.108
Propyl 2,4-decadienoate 84788-08-9 1194 3648 09.840
Ethyl 2,4,7-decatrienoate 78417-28-4 1193 3832 09.371
Ethyl trans-2-cis-4-decadienoate 3025-30-7 1192 3148 09.260
Methyl (E)-2-(Z)-4-decadienoate 4493-42-9 1191 3859 09.639
2-trans,4-trans-Decadienal 25152-84-5 1190 3135 05.140
2,4-Decadienal 2363-88-4 1190 3135 05.081
(E,E)-2,4-Decadien-1-ol 18409-21-7 1189 3911 02.139
(E,Z)-2,6-Nonadien-1-ol acetate 68555-65-7 1188 3952 09.947
2-trans,6-trans Nonadienal 17587-33-6 1187 3766 05.172
Nona-2(trans),6(cis)-dienal 557-48-2 1186 3377 05.058
(E,E)-2,4-Nonadienal 5910-87-2 1185 3212 05.194
2,4-Nonadienal 6750-03-4 1185 3212 05.071
2,6-Nonadien-1-ol 7786-44-9; 5820-89-3 1184 2780 02.049
2(trans),6 (cis)-Nonadien-1-ol 28069-72-9 1184 2780 02.231
2,4-Nonadien-1-ol 62488-56-6 1183 3951 02.188
2-trans,6-trans Octadienal 56767-18-1 1182 3466 05.111
2,4-Octadienal 5577-44-6 1181 3721 05.186
trans,trans-2,4-Octadienal 30361-28-5 1181 3721 05.127
(E,E)-2,4-Octadien-1-ol 18409-20-6 1180 3956
(E,E)-2,4-Heptadienal 4313-03-5 1179 3164 05.084
Ethyl sorbate 2396-84-1 1178 2459 09.194
Methyl sorbate 689-89-4 1177 3714 09.300
(E,E)-2,4-Hexadienoic acid 110-44-1 1176 3921 08.085
(E,E)-2,4-Hexadienal 142-83-6 1175 3429 05.057
2,4-Hexadien-1-ol 111-28-4 1174 3922 02.162
2,4-Pentadienal 764-40-9 1173 3217 05.101
Methylcoumarin 92-48-8 1172 2699 13.012
Dihydrocoumarin 119-84-6 1171 2381 13.009
Butylidenephthalide 551-08-6 1170 3333 10.024
3-n-Butylphthalide 6066-49-5 1169 3334 10.025
Propylidenephthalide 17369-59-4 1168 2952 10.005
2-(4-Methyl-2-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid-gamma-lactone 65817-24-5 1167 3863 10.072
Octahydrocoumarin 4430-31-3 1166 3791 13.161
Sclareolide 564-20-5 1165 3794 16.055
(+/-)-(2,6,6,-Trimethyl-2-hydroxycyclohexylidene)acetic acid gamma-lactone 15356-74-8 1164 4020 10.169
Dehydromenthofurolactone 75640-26-5; 80417-97-6 1163 3755
Mintlactone 13341-72-5 1162
Dihydromintlactone 92015-65-1 1161 4032 10.050
Tuberose lactone 153175-57-6 1160 4067
4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-7-cis-decenoic acid gamma lactone 70851-61-5 1159 3937 10.061
(+/-) 3-Methyl-gamma-decalactone 67663-01-8 1158 3999 10.069
4-Methyl-5-hexen-1,4-olid 1073-11-6 1157 4051 10.070
2-Methylheptan-3-one 13019-20-0 1156 4000 07.240
6-Undecanone 927-49-1 1155 4022 07.249
(E,R)-3,7-Dimethyl-1,5,7-octatrien-3-ol 20053-88-7; 53834-70-1 1154 3830 02.146
1-Decen-3-ol 51100-54-0 1153 3824 02.136
1-Octen-3-ol 3391-86-4 1152 2805 02.023
1-Hexen-3-ol 4798-44-1 1151 3608 02.104
1-Penten-3-ol 616-25-1 1150 3584 02.099
2-Pentyl-1-buten-3-one 63759-55-7 1149 3725
1-Octen-3-one 4312-99-6 1148 3515 07.081
1-Penten-3-one 1629-58-9 1147 3382 07.102
2-Pentyl acetate 626-38-0 1146 4012 09.657
(+/-)Nonan-3-yl acetate 60826-15-5 1145 4007 09.925
(+/-)Heptan-2-yl butyrate 39026-94-3 1144 3981 09.923
(+/-)Heptan-3-yl acetate 5921-83-5 1143 3980 09.924
2-Pentyl butyrate 60415-61-4 1142 3893 09.658
2-Octen-4-ol 20125-81-9; 4798-61-2 1141 3888 02.193
3-Octen-2-ol 76649-14-4 1140 3602 02.102
(E,E)-3,5-Octadien-2-one 30086-02-3 1139 4008 07.247
(E)-6-Methyl-3-hepten-2-one 20859-10-3 1138 4001 07.244
(E) & (Z)-4,8-Dimethyl-3,7-nonadien-2-one 817-88-9 1137 3969 07.256
3-Nonen-2-one 14309-57-0 1136 3955 07.188
(E)-7-Methyl-3-octen-2-one 33046-81-0 1135 3868 07.177
6-Methyl-3,5-heptadien-2-one 1604-28-0 1134 3363 07.099
5-Methyl-2-hepten-4-one 81925-81-7 1133 3761 07.139
5-Methyl-3-hexen-2-one 5166-53-0 1132 3409 07.106
4-Methyl-3-penten-2-one 141-79-7 1131 3368 07.101
3-Decen-2-one 10519-33-2 1130 3532 07.121
2-Octen-4-one 4643-27-0 1129 3603 07.082
3-Octen-2-one 1669-44-9 1128 3416 07.107
3-Hepten-2-one 1119-44-4 1127 3400 07.105
2-Hepten-4-one 4643-25-8 1126 3399 07.104
4-Hexen-3-one 2497-21-4 1125 3352 07.048
3-Penten-2-one 625-33-2 1124 3417 07.044
2,6,10-Trimethyl-2,6,10-pentadecatrien-14-one 762-29-8 1123 3442 07.114
6,10-Dimethyl-5,9-undecadien-2-one 689-67-8; 3796-70-1 1122 3542 07.123
3,4,5,6-Tetrahydropseudoionone 4433-36-7 1121 3059 07.069
6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one 110-93-0 1120 2707 07.015
5-Methyl-5-hexen-2-one 3240-09-3 1119 3365 07.100
3-Decanone 928-80-3 1118 3966 07.151
2-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)cyclopentanone 68133-79-9 1117 3829 07.257
(E)-2-(2-Octenyl)cyclopentanone 65737-52-2 1116 3889
Isojasmone 11050-62-7 1115 3552 07.033
3-Methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one 488-10-8 1114 3196 07.094
trans-3-Methyl-2-(2-pentenyl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one 6261-18-3 1114 3196 07.219
3-Methyl-5-propyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one 3720-16-9 1113 3577 07.129
Isophorone 78-59-1 1112 3553 07.126
Tetramethyl ethylcyclohexenone (mixture of isomers) 17369-60-7 1111 3061 07.035
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