Search by Character/Letter String, CAS, JECFA, FEMA, FL-No or Industry Name
Industry Name
Acetoin 513-86-0 0405 2008 07.051
Acetophenone 98-86-2 0806 2009 07.004
Aconitic acid 499-12-7 0627 2010 08.033
Adipic acid 124-04-9 0623 2011 08.026
Allyl anthranilate 7493-63-2 0020 2020 09.719
Allyl butyrate 2051-78-7 0002 2021 09.054
Allyl cinnamate 1866-31-5 0019 2022 09.741
Allyl cyclohexane acetate 4728-82-9 0012 2023 09.482
Allyl cyclohexane butyrate 7493-65-4 0014 2024 09.411
Allyl cyclohexane hexanoate 7493-66-5 0016 2025 09.492
Allyl cyclohexane propionate 2705-87-5 0013 2026 09.498
Allyl cyclohexanevalerate 7493-68-7 0015 2027 09.469
Allyl disulfide 2179-57-9 0572 2028 12.008
Allyl 2-ethylbutyrate 7493-69-8 0011 2029 09.410
Allyl 2-furoate 4208-49-5 0021 2030
Allyl heptanoate 142-19-8 0004 2031 09.097
Allyl hexanoate 123-68-2 0003 2032 09.244
Allyl alpha-ionone 79-78-7 0401 2033 07.061
Allyl isothiocyanate 57-06-7 1560 2034 12.025
Allyl mercaptan 870-23-5 0521 2035 12.004
Allyl nonanoate 7493-72-3 0006 2036 09.109
Allyl octanoate 4230-97-1 0005 2037 09.119
Allyl phenoxyacetate 7493-74-5 0018 2038 09.701
Allyl phenylacetate 1797-74-6 0017 2039 09.790
Allyl propionate 2408-20-0 0001 2040 09.233
Allyl sorbate 7493-75-6; 30895-79-5 0008 2041 09.312
Allyl sulfide 592-88-1 0458 2042 12.088
Allyl tiglate 7493-71-2 0010 2043 09.493
Allyl 10-undecenoate 7493-76-7 0009 2044 09.146
Allyl isovalerate 2835-39-4 0007 2045 09.489
Ammonium hydrogen sulphide 12124-99-1 2053 16.059
diammonium sulfide 12135-76-1 2053 16.002
3-Ammonium isovalerate 7563-33-9 1203 2054 16.001
Isoamyl acetate 123-92-2 0043 2055 09.024
Pentyl acetate 628-63-7 0043 2055 09.021
Amyl alcohol 71-41-0 0088 2056 02.040
Isoamyl alcohol 123-51-3 0052 2057 02.003
Isoamyl benzoate 94-46-2 0857 2058 09.755
n-Amyl butyrate 540-18-1 0152 2059 09.044
Isoamyl butyrate 106-27-4 0045 2060 09.055
alpha-Amylcinnamaldehyde 122-40-7 0685 2061 05.040
alpha-Amylcinnamaldehyde dimethyl acetal 91-87-2 0681 2062 06.013
Isoamyl cinnamate 7779-65-9 0665 2063 09.742
alpha-Amylcinnamyl acetate 7493-78-9 0677 2064 09.026
alpha-Amylcinnamyl alcohol 101-85-9 0674 2065 02.030
alpha-Amylcinnamyl formate 7493-79-0 0676 2066 09.090
alpha-Amylcinnamyl isovalerate 7493-80-3 0678 2067 09.468
n-Amyl formate 638-49-3 0119 2068 09.159
Isoamyl formate 110-45-2 0042 2069 09.162
Isoamyl 4-(2-furan)butyrate 7779-66-0 1516 2070 13.021
Isoamyl 3-(2-furan)propionate 7779-67-1 1515 2071 13.023
Amyl 2-furoate 1334-82-3 0748 2072 13.025
n-Amyl heptanoate 7493-82-5 0170 2073 09.098
n-Amyl hexanoate 540-07-8 0163 2074 09.065
Isoamyl hexanoate 2198-61-0 0046 2075 09.070
2-Amyl-5 or 6-keto-1,4-dioxane 65504-96-3 1485 2076 13.027
Isoamyl laurate 6309-51-9 0182 2077 09.103
Isoamyl nonanoate 7779-70-6 0048 2078 09.110
n-Amyl octanoate 638-25-5 0174 2079 09.112
Isoamyl octanoate 2035-99-6 0047 2080 09.120
Isoamyl phenylacetate 102-19-2 1014 2081 09.789
Isoamyl propionate 105-68-0 0044 2082 09.136
Isoamyl pyruvate 7779-72-8 0939 2083 09.443
Isoamyl salicylate 87-20-7 0903 2084 09.751
Isoamyl isovalerate 659-70-1 0050 2085 09.463
trans-Anethole 4180-23-8 0217 2086 04.010
Anisole 100-66-3 1241 2097 04.032
Anisyl acetate 104-21-2 0873 2098 09.019
Anisyl alcohol 105-13-5 0871 2099 02.128
Anisyl butyrate 6963-56-0 0875 2100 09.058
Anisyl formate 122-91-8 0872 2101 09.087
Anisyl propionate 7549-33-9 0874 2102 09.145
Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 0022 2127 05.013
Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal 1125-88-8 0837 2128 06.003
Benzaldehyde glyceryl acetal 1319-88-6; 1708-40-3; 1708-39-0 0838 2129 06.002
Benzaldehyde propylene glycol acetal 2568-25-4 0839 2130 06.032
Benzoic acid 65-85-0 0850 2131 08.021
Benzoin 119-53-9 0836 2132 07.028
Benzophenone 119-61-9 0831 2134 07.032
Benzyl acetate 140-11-4 0023 2135 09.014
Benzyl acetoacetate 5396-89-4 0848 2136 09.406
Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 0025 2137 02.010
Benzyl benzoate 120-51-4 0024 2138 09.727
Benzyl butyl ether 588-67-0 1253 2139 03.010
Benzyl butyrate 103-37-7 0843 2140 09.051
Benzyl isobutyrate 103-28-6 0844 2141 09.426
Benzyl cinnamate 103-41-3 0670 2142 09.738
Benzyl 2,3-dimethylcrotonate 7492-69-5 0847 2143 09.508
Benzyl ethyl ether 539-30-0 1252 2144 03.003
Benzyl formate 104-57-4 0841 2145 09.077
3-Benzyl-4-heptanone 7492-37-7 0830 2146 07.070
Benzyl mercaptan 100-53-8 0526 2147 12.005
Benzyl 2-methoxyethyl acetal 7492-39-9 0840 2148 06.019
Benzyl phenylacetate 102-16-9 0849 2149 09.705
Benzyl propionate 122-63-4 0842 2150 09.132
Benzyl salicylate 118-58-1 0904 2151 09.752
Benzyl isovalerate 103-38-8 0845 2152 09.458
Borneol 507-70-0 1385 2157 02.016
Isoborneol 124-76-5 1386 2158 02.059
Bornyl acetate 76-49-3 1387 2159 09.017
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