Search by Character/Letter String, CAS, JECFA, FEMA, FL-No or Industry Name
Industry Name
2-Decenal 3913-71-1 1349 2366 05.076
1-Decanol 112-30-1 0103 2365 02.024
Decanoic acid 334-48-5 0105 2364 08.011
Decanal dimethyl acetal 7779-41-1 0945 2363 06.009
Decanal 112-31-2 0104 2362 05.010
delta-Decalactone 705-86-2 0232 2361 10.007
gamma-Decalactone 706-14-9 0231 2360 10.017
1-Isopropyl-4-methylbenzene 99-87-6 1325 2356 01.002
Cyclohexyl isovalerate 7774-44-9 1096 2355 09.464
Cyclohexyl propionate 6222-35-1 1097 2354 09.140
Cyclohexyl formate 4351-54-6 1095 2353 09.160
Cyclohexyl cinnamate 7779-17-1 0667 2352 09.744
Cyclohexyl butyrate 1551-44-6 1094 2351 09.230
Cyclohexyl anthranilate 7779-16-0 1541 2350 09.722
Cyclohexyl acetate 622-45-7 1093 2349 09.027
Cyclohexaneethyl acetate 21722-83-8 0964 2348 09.028
Cyclohexylacetic acid 5292-21-7 0965 2347 08.034
Cuminaldehyde 122-03-2 0868 2341 05.022
p-Cresol 106-44-5 0693 2337 04.028
Citronellyl valerate 7540-53-6 0069 2317 09.151
Citronellyl propionate 141-14-0 0061 2316 09.129
Citronellyl phenylacetate 139-70-8 1021 2315 09.785
Citronellyl formate 105-85-1 0053 2314 09.078
Citronellyl isobutyrate 97-89-2 0071 2313 09.421
Citronellyl butyrate 141-16-2 0065 2312 09.049
Citronellyl acetate 150-84-5 0057 2311 09.012
Citronelloxyacetaldehyde 7492-67-3 0592 2310 05.079
(-)-3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol 7540-51-4 1219 2309 02.229
dl-Citronellol 106-22-9 1219 2309 02.011
Citronellal 106-23-0 1220 2307 05.021
Citric acid 77-92-9 0218 2306
Citral dimethyl acetal 7549-37-3 0944 2305 06.005
Citral diethyl acetal 7492-66-2 0948 2304 06.004
Geranial 141-27-5 1225 2303 05.188
Neral 106-26-3 1225 2303 05.170
Citral 5392-40-5 1225 2303 05.020
Cinnamyl isovalerate 140-27-2 0654 2302 09.459
Cinnamyl propionate 103-56-0 0651 2301 09.133
Cinnamyl phenylacetate 7492-65-1 0655 2300 09.708
Cinnamyl formate 104-65-4 0649 2299 09.085
Cinnamyl cinnamate 122-69-0 0673 2298 09.739
Cinnamyl isobutyrate 103-59-3 0653 2297 09.470
Cinnamyl butyrate 103-61-7 0652 2296 09.053
Cinnamyl alcohol 104-54-1 0647 2294 02.017
Cinnamyl acetate 103-54-8 0650 2293 09.018
Cinnamic acid 621-82-9 0657 2288 08.022
Cinnamaldehyde ethylene glycol acetal 5660-60-6 0648 2287 06.014
Cinnamaldehyde 104-55-2; 14371-10-9 0656 2286 05.014
beta-Caryophyllene 87-44-5 1324 2252 01.007
Carvyl propionate 97-45-0 0383 2251 09.143
Carvyl acetate 97-42-7 0382 2250 09.215
d-Carvone 2244-16-8 0380 2249 07.146
Carvone 99-49-0 0380 2249 07.012
l-Carvone 6485-40-1 0380 2249 07.147
4-Carvomenthenol 562-74-3 0439 2248 02.072
Carveol 99-48-9 0381 2247 02.062
Carvacryl ethyl ether 4732-13-2 1247 2246 04.038
Carvacrol 499-75-2 0710 2245 04.031
d-Camphor 464-49-3 1395 2230 07.215
Camphene 79-92-5 1323 2229 01.009
Caffeine 58-08-2 2224 16.016
Tributyrin 60-01-5 0922 2223 09.211
Isobutyric acid 79-31-2 0253 2222 08.006
Butyric acid 107-92-6 0087 2221 08.005
Isobutyraldehyde 78-84-2 0252 2220 05.004
Butyraldehyde 123-72-8 0086 2219 05.003
Butyl isovalerate 109-19-3 0198 2218 09.449
Butyl valerate 591-68-4 0160 2217 09.148
Butyl 10-undecenoate 109-42-2 0344 2216 09.238
Butyl sulfide 544-40-1 0455 2215 12.007
Butyl stearate 123-95-5 0184 2214 09.246
Isobutyl salicylate 87-19-4 0902 2213 09.750
Isobutyl propionate 540-42-1 0148 2212 09.125
Butyl propionate 590-01-2 0143 2211 09.124
Isobutyl phenylacetate 102-13-6 1013 2210 09.788
Butyl phenylacetate 122-43-0 1012 2209 09.787
alpha-Isobutylphenethyl alcohol 7779-78-4 0827 2208 02.065
Butyl levulinate 2052-15-5 0608 2207 09.436
Butyl laurate 106-18-3 0181 2206 09.100
Butyl lactate 138-22-7 0932 2205 09.434
2-Butyl-5 or 6-keto-1,4-dioxane 65504-95-2 1484 2204 13.028
Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate 94-26-8 0870 2203
Isobutyl hexanoate 105-79-3 0166 2202 09.064
Butyl hexanoate 626-82-4 0162 2201 09.063
Isobutyl heptanoate 7779-80-8 0172 2200 09.092
Butyl heptanoate 5454-28-4 0169 2199 09.091
Isobutyl 3-(2-furan)propionate 105-01-1 1514 2198 13.024
Isobutyl formate 542-55-2 0124 2197 09.164
Butyl formate 592-84-7 0118 2196 09.163
Butyl ethyl malonate 17373-84-1 0615 2195 09.441
Butyl 2-decenoate 7492-45-7 1348 2194 09.235
Isobutyl cinnamate 122-67-8 0664 2193 09.734
Butyl cinnamate 538-65-8 0663 2192 09.733
alpha-Butylcinnamaldehyde 7492-44-6 0684 2191 05.039
Butyl butyryllactate 7492-70-8 0935 2190 09.491
Isobutyl isobutyrate 97-85-8 0194 2189 09.417
Butyl isobutyrate 97-87-0 0188 2188 09.416
Isobutyl butyrate 539-90-2 0158 2187 09.043
Butyl butyrate 109-21-7 0151 2186 09.042
Isobutyl benzoate 120-50-3 0856 2185 09.757
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