Search by Character/Letter String, CAS, JECFA, FEMA, FL-No or Industry Name
Industry Name
Pin-2(10)-ene 127-91-3 1330 2903 01.003
Piperidine 110-89-4 1607 2908 14.010
Piperine 94-62-2 1600 2909 14.003
Piperitone 6091-50-5; 89-81-6 0435 2910 07.175
Piperonal 120-57-0 0896 2911 05.016
Piperonyl acetate 326-61-4 0894 2912 09.220
Piperonyl isobutyrate 5461-08-5 0895 2913 09.430
Propenylguaethol 94-86-0 1264 2922 04.002
Propionaldehyde 123-38-6 0083 2923 05.002
Propionic acid 79-09-4 0084 2924 08.003
Propyl acetate 109-60-4 0126 2925 09.002
Isopropyl acetate 108-21-4 0305 2926 09.003
p-Isopropylacetophenone 645-13-6 0808 2927 07.042
Propyl alcohol 71-23-8 0082 2928 02.002
Isopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 0277 2929 02.079
p-Propylanisole 104-45-0 1244 2930 04.039
Propyl benzoate 2315-68-6 0853 2931 09.776
Isopropyl benzoate 939-48-0 0855 2932 09.770
p-Isopropylbenzyl alcohol 536-60-7 0864 2933 02.039
Propyl butyrate 105-66-8 0150 2934 09.040
Isopropyl butyrate 638-11-9 0307 2935 09.041
Propyl isobutyrate 644-49-5 0187 2936 09.414
Isopropyl isobutyrate 617-50-5 0309 2937 09.415
Propyl cinnamate 7778-83-8 0660 2938 09.731
Isopropyl cinnamate 7780-06-5 0661 2939 09.732
Propylene glycol 57-55-6 0925 2940
Propylene glycol stearate 142-75-6 0926 2942
Propyl formate 110-74-7 0117 2943 09.073
Isopropyl formate 625-55-8 0304 2944 09.165
Propyl 2-furanacrylate 623-22-3 1518 2945 13.047
Propyl 2-furoate 615-10-1 0747 2946 13.003
Propyl heptanoate 7778-87-2 0168 2948 09.095
Propyl hexanoate 626-77-7 0161 2949 09.061
Isopropyl hexanoate 2311-46-8 0308 2950 09.062
Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate 94-13-3 2951
Propylidenephthalide 17369-59-4 1168 2952 10.005
alpha-Propylphenethyl alcohol 705-73-7 0825 2953 02.034
p-Isopropylphenylacetaldehyde 4395-92-0 1024 2954 05.044
Propyl phenylacetate 4606-15-9 1010 2955 09.702
Isopropyl phenylacetate 4861-85-2 1011 2956 09.786
3-(p-Isopropylphenyl)propionaldehyde 7775-00-0 0680 2957 05.094
Propyl propionate 106-36-5 0142 2958 09.122
Isopropyl propionate 637-78-5 0306 2959 09.123
Propyl isovalerate 557-00-6 0197 2960 09.448
Isopropyl isovalerate 32665-23-9 0310 2961 09.450
Isopulegol 89-79-2; 7786-67-6 0755 2962 02.067
Pulegone 89-82-7 0753 2963
Isopulegone 29606-79-9 0754 2964 07.067
Isopulegyl acetate 57576-09-7; 89-49-6 0756 2965 09.219
Pyridine 110-86-1 2966
Pyruvaldehyde 78-98-8 0937 2969 07.001
Pyruvic acid 127-17-3 0936 2970 08.019
Quinine bisulfate 549-56-4 2975
Quinine monohydrochloride dihydrate 6119-47-7 2976 14.155
Quinine hydrochloride 130-89-2 2976 14.011
Quinine sulfate 6119-70-6; 804-63-7 2977 14.152
Isoquinoline 119-65-3 1303 2978 14.001
Rhodinol 6812-78-8 1222 2980 02.027
Rhodinyl acetate 141-11-7 0060 2981 09.033
Rhodinyl butyrate 141-15-1 0068 2982 09.927
Rhodinyl isobutyrate 138-23-8 0074 2983 09.940
Rhodinyl formate 141-09-3 0056 2984 09.079
Rhodinyl phenylacetate 10486-14-3 1018 2985 09.791
Rhodinyl propionate 105-89-5 0064 2986 09.141
Rhodinyl isovalerate 7778-96-3 0077 2987 09.465
Salicylaldehyde 90-02-8 0897 3004 05.055
12-alpha-Santalen-14-ol 115-71-9 0984 3006 02.217
Santalol (alpha and beta) 11031-45-1 0984 3006
12-beta-Santalen-14-ol 77-42-9; 37172-32-0 0984 3006 02.216
Santalyl acetate (alpha and beta) 1323-00-8 0985 3007 09.034
Santalyl phenylacetate (alpha and beta) 1323-75-7 1022 3008 09.712
Skatole 83-34-1 1304 3019 14.004
Stearic acid 57-11-4 0116 3035 08.015
Sucrose octaacetate 126-14-7 3038 16.081
Tannic acid 1401-55-4; 72401-53-7 3042 16.080
Tartaric acid (+)-, (-)-, (+/-)-, meso- 87-69-4; 133-37-9; 147-73-9 0621 3044 08.018
alpha-Terpineol 98-55-5 0366 3045 02.014
Terpinolene 586-62-9 1331 3046 01.005
alpha-Terpinyl acetate 80-26-2 0368 3047 09.015
Terpinyl acetate 8007-35-0 0368 3047 09.830
beta-Terpinyl anthranilate 14481-52-8 1542 3048 09.724
Terpinyl butyrate 2153-28-8 0370 3049 09.052
Terpinyl isobutyrate 7774-65-4 0371 3050 09.425
Terpinyl cinnamate 10024-56-3 0669 3051 09.737
Terpinyl formate 2153-26-6 0367 3052 09.081
Terpinyl propionate 80-27-3 0369 3053 09.142
Terpinyl isovalerate 1142-85-4 0372 3054 09.461
Tetrahydrofurfuryl acetate 637-64-9 1442 3055 13.166
Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol 97-99-4 1443 3056 13.020
Tetrahydrofurfuryl butyrate 2217-33-6 1444 3057 13.048
Tetrahydrofurfuryl propionate 637-65-0 1445 3058 13.049
3,4,5,6-Tetrahydropseudoionone 4433-36-7 1121 3059 07.069
Tetrahydrolinalool 78-69-3 0357 3060 02.028
Tetramethyl ethylcyclohexenone (mixture of isomers) 17369-60-7 1111 3061 07.035
2-Thienylmercaptan 7774-74-5 1052 3062 15.001
Thymol 89-83-8 0709 3066 04.006
Tolualdehyde glyceryl acetal (mixed isomers) 1333-09-1 0867 3067 06.012
ortho-Tolualdehyde 529-20-4 0866 3068 05.026
Tolualdehydes (mixed o,m,p) 1334-78-7 0866 3068 05.027
meta-Tolualdehyde 620-23-5 0866 3068 05.028
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